Wednesday, October 17, 2012

HomeWork 5 - Lair's Dice

Lair's Dice

Players: 2 to ∞

Objective: to get all other player lose

Rules we changed:

  • All dices have to be hide even to yourself.
  • One always have to be one not a wild number.
  • Numbers have to go up, cannot be equal; dice value can be equal or higher. Both values cannot be lower than the last player.
  • If you say liar and you are wrong, you have to give that player one of your dice. when a player is eliminated all of their dice are also removed from the game, regardless of who is holding them.
  • If anyone made 3 time wrong call-outs or had been catch as a liar for 3 times will eliminated from the game.
Rules that we changed and added are cause positive feedback.
When one is ways one, it will short the game time, the chance of getting more number are low, but make players hard to catch the lair.

All dices are hidden so everyone have to take the risk to call out numbers and dice values, also have to guess who is the real "lair", this will turn the game to total lucky based game.

When numbers have to go up, players can framed the player after him/her by call out a big number and a dice value of 6 because the biggest dice value is 6, so the next player have to raise the number.

The last two rules make players lose the game fast, so players have lower number of dice may have a chance to win faster by luck, or lose fast and also take other players out of the game too.

After all the changes the game is still fun but game time is much faster than before. At the same time, when play this game players have to have be really lucky or your opponents really unlucky.

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