Wednesday, October 10, 2012

HomeWork 4 - Dig Dug the card game

Dig Dug:

Dig Dug the card game

Players: 2

Main Objective: defeat your enemies

Type of card:

  • Dust card - front and back are the same, used to make the game board 10X11. x102
  • Dig Dug - Player card x1
  • Fygar - Player card x1
  • Pooka - Monster card, hide under the dust attack Dig Dug player x3
  • Stone - Normal card, hide under the dust block Dig Dug x3
  • Battle card - Fire x6, Water x6, Earth x6, Wind x6


  • Dig Dug player start at the middle of the rectangle.
  • One player need to be Dig Dug and the other player need to be Fygar as an opponent player.
  • Players get 12 battle cards 3 Water cards, 3 Fire cards, 3 Wind cards and 3 Earth cards. Battle cards are used to battle with other player, to win the battle, you have to use Water to defeat Fire, Fire to defeat Wind, Wind to defeat Earth and Earth to defeat Water. Otherwise nothing happens.
  • Fygar player start with only one life point, and choose a corner to start the game.
  • Dig Dug start with 3 life points in total, so player have 2 more extra resurrection time (After Dig Dug die, just resurrection at the center of the map. Fygar resurrection at the corner where he/she chooses before the game started).
  • First of all, place 4 dust cards at each corner, and then shuffle all Dust card, Stone card and Pooka card together.
  • Place all cards mixed with Dust card, Pooka cards, and Stone cards face down on the table to make a 10x11 rectangle and only leave "two cards size" blank at the middle of the rectangle (which located at 6 row, column 5 and 6). After placed all four dust card at each corner, randomly place other cards and don't forget to leave two empty space in the middle.
  • Dig Dug player and Fygar player roll a 6 side dice to move. (If rolled 3, which means player need to remove 3 Dust cards one by one while player moving, and for each turn, player can only change direction once). player only allowed moving horizontally or vertically (when change direction, players can choose to go left, right or turn back).
  • If Dig Dug player gets to a stone, player have to take three cards out (by player's choose) and put on the stone for 3 turns. Player will get the cards bake after 3 turn. When there are three card on the stone, Fygar player can go to any side of that stone to get the cards. Player can wandering around near the stone try to block dragon to get the card. Stone card will be removed afterward.
  • If Fygar play gets to the stone, nothing happens and just pass through the stone and remove the stone card.
  • There are 3 Pooka cards in the game, if Fygar player find the Pooka card he/she will get one life for reward and continue moving normally (remove Pooka card after found it).
  • When Dig Dug reach a Pooka card or Fygar player, just start a battle using battle card. (Fygar player control all monster card, will fight back as Pooka).
  • Two players have to pick 5 battle cards out and put in face down, flip a card together one by one, in order to see who wins the round. (Water>defeat>Fire>defeat>Wind>defeat>Earth>defeat>Water>defeat>Fire>......).
  • Players who wins the first round wins (5 cards a round), if there is a draw, use the rest of the card to play another round, each round is maximum of 5 cards (can be less such as 2-card-round or 3, depends on who have the lowest hand size).

this is what the game board looks like 

This game is based on the classic game "Dig Dug", we try to use every element that is in the game to make this card game, such as Dig Dug starts at middle and digging dust, we use dust cards to make a game board and player start at the middle while moving player need to remove the dust in front of him/her.

We made the Pooka the balloon looking monster hide in the dust, so Pooka don't have to move and when player reach Pooka they will start a battle using battle cards like a RPG game. When Pooka and Dig Dug start the battle, Fygar will use his card fight with Dig Dug as Pooka.

When Fygar find Pooka first Fygar will "Eat" Pooka to get one life point.

This is a really fast game for 2 player. Dig Dug player need to kill all monsters- Pooka and Fygar, to win the game. Fygar need to kill Dig Dug to win, but Fygar only start with one life, so Fygar may need to get eat some pooka first, or if the player trust his/her luck, can just go fight with Dig Dug.

I like the battle which I suggest when develop this game, this will let players have more interactive and randomness of the game, it's like playing rock-paper-scissors but with cards and 4 elements.

Group Members: Kastriot Sulejmani (100460180), Shane Allen (100454581), Andrew Guthrie (100455660), Haoyu Li (100429868), LeYan (Harry) Cui (100396772).

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